Heat pumps: we explain everything!

Are you considering changing your heating system? And are you thinking about the Heat Pump? Installing a heat pump (HP) has many advantages and can be an interesting option for heating and cooling your home. There are many reasons why you might consider installing a heat pump now, but be careful, there are criteria to […]
Management, Syndic: high-temperature heat pumps also work for collective housing

Heat pumps in cascade, the solution for collective buildings. Today’s heat pumps, in the specific context of collective buildings, allow reducing energy costs, minimizing environmental impact, and promoting a more responsible and environmentally friendly approach to thermal management of shared spaces. This technology not only efficiently heats the interior space but also provides domestic hot […]
The heat pump: why is it a good choice?

The heat pump is now the preferred heating system, here’s why: Installing a heat pump (HP) offers numerous advantages and can be an interesting option for heating and cooling your home. There are many reasons why you might consider installing a heat pump right now! Menu Economy and ecology, both at the same time! Real […]
High Temperature Heat Pump – the choice for renovation

The high temperature heat pump: the solution for renovation In the face of climate change and the continuous rise in fossil fuel prices, replacing your old gas or oil boiler is both an economic and ecological act… Ecological, efficient, and economical, the high temperature heat pump allows for efficient heating of a home. It is […]
Photovoltaic solar panels by Marques Confort

We have selected the best in photovoltaics for you! Photovoltaic solar panels allow you to generate electricity at home. Properly sized and installed, they can provide a significant portion of your household’s energy through self-consumption. Additionally, Klimabonus aids make them financially very attractive today. Menu The choice of glass/glass panels Mounting systems suitable for all […]
The hydraulic stove: a practical and economical heating supplement

The hydraulic stove: a practical and economical heating supplement The hydraulic stove allows you to complement a boiler to enjoy the comfort of central heating at a lower cost. It is a piece of equipment that appeals to wood heating enthusiasts as well as those looking to save energy. Menu What is a hydraulic stove? […]
Thermodynamic hot water tank

Thermodynamic hot water tank: operation, advantages, what you need to know