Photovoltaic solar panels for self-consumption offer several advantages, both economically and environmentally.
Photovoltaic solar panels allow you to produce electricity from sunlight, thereby reducing your electricity bill.
Although the installation of solar panels may represent an initial investment, they can generate significant savings in the long term. Depending on the size of the installation, you could recover your investment in a few years.
By using the electricity produced at your home, you reduce your dependence on electricity suppliers and increase your energy independence. You consume your own electricity instead of buying it.
Solar panels are a clean and renewable energy source. You thus eliminate greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity production from fossil fuels.
You benefit from subsidies and buy-back rates, which greatly reduce the initial cost of installing solar panels.
We carry out a preliminary feasibility study, taking into account the surface area of your roof, its orientation, your electricity consumption…
Our technicians and designers refine the study using the plans you provide us or with the help of satellite imaging tools.
You then receive an initial estimate which, if it suits you, leads to a precise measurement of your roof using a drone.
Reducing the energy cost of your home by installing solar panels is an excellent idea.
Given the recent energy costs, you will quickly recoup your investment. However, it represents a certain budget before recovering the Klima Bonus aids.
Our partner offers a specific loan for this type of energy renovations or works, allowing you to benefit from an advantageous rate. Simulate directly online and get a response within 24 hours.
On average
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The government offers a set of support measures aimed at encouraging energy renovation and promoting renewable energies. By installing photovoltaic panels on my roof, the following aids may be available under certain conditions.